Monday, May 22, 2023

My Sister My Inspiration

Written by Lipika Singh Chouhan, Certificate Course in Leadership 2023 

My sister is an inspiration to me. She has helped me to lead an effective life. Being a guiding light in my life has taught me a few valuable life lessons. Her wisdom, kindness, creativity, and imagination have inspired me to become a better person and achieve my goals. She shares her life lessons with me. My sister has taught me to learn from her mistakes. She has been through many ups and downs in her life and has learned from her mistakes and she tries that I don’t make those mistakes She has always encouraged me to take good decisions based on my values, morals, and beliefs. She has shown me the importance of making choices that align with my goals and aspirations as well as my ethics.

My sister is a kind and compassionate person. She always helps others whenever she can and encourages me to do the same without any expectations. Her creative and imaginative mind has inspired me to pursue my own creative interests and develop a love for literature. She is always encouraging me to live a life on my own terms.

Moreover, my sister is an exceptional mediator between me and our family. She keeps our family in check and is always there to listen and offer advice. She has taught me the importance of communication and how to effectively resolve conflict without hurting other people. She is a source of comfort and support for me whenever I need it the most.

Most importantly, my sister has inspired me to dream big and go beyond my own limits. She has taught me that anything and everything is possible if I work hard and believe in myself. She has always encouraged me to pursue my passions and to not up on my dreams. She has made my life more effective and helped me to become a 2.0 version of myself.

My sister has also taught me an important lesson about the importance of personal goals. She tells me that professional issues are temporary but personal goals are permanent. This has been an important reminder to me to focus on my personal goals and not just on my career or professional ones. It has helped me to maintain balance in my life and to prioritize the things that matter most to me.

My sister is an amazing person who has had a significant impact on my life. Her leadership, kindness, creativity, and wisdom have inspired me to become a better person in my life. She has taught me valuable lessons that have helped me to navigate through life with grace and confidence. I seriously don’t know how would I exist without her. She is an amazing woman, and I aspire to be like her. If I ever conquer the world, it would be because she would be backing me up.

Transformative Teacher

Written By Yashi Khera for Certificate Course in Leadership 2023

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds and characters of students. Beyond imparting knowledge, they have the power to inspire, motivate, and instill leadership qualities in their pupils. Effective leaders are not just born; they are nurtured and influenced by exceptional teachers who serve as beacons of inspiration. This essay explores the profound impact teachers can have on developing leadership skills, highlighting their ability to foster confidence, empathy, and a sense of purpose in students. My inspiration and idol is surprisingly not a celebrity but my high school teacher, Pooja Ma’am.

What truly makes Pooja Maam exceptional is her adaptability and responsiveness to our individual needs as students. She understands that each one of us is unique, with our own learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. Instead of following a rigid one-size-fits-all approach, she embraces flexibility in her teaching.

She takes the time to get to know us as individuals, learning about our interests and abilities, and tailoring her lessons accordingly. This personalized approach ensures that we are appropriately challenged and given the opportunity to thrive academically. It is inspiring to see how she goes above and beyond to ensure that each student receives the support they need to succeed.

Pooja Maams dedication extends far beyond her lesson planning. She consistently demonstrates unwavering commitment and support to her students. From guiding us to giving us the ability to pave our own paths and take our own decisions, it is evident that she genuinely cares about our academic progress and overall well-being. Her passion for teaching shines through her interactions with us, as she consistently goes the extra mile to provide additional resources, guidance, and support. She creates a nurturing and inclusive classroom environment, where we feel valued, encouraged, and motivated to do our best. Her dedication serves as a powerful motivator for us to put in our own effort and strive for excellence. One of the most remarkable aspects of Pooja Maams teaching is her infectious enthusiasm. Her positive energy radiates throughout the classroom, creating an atmosphere of excitement and engagement. Even the most challenging topics become accessible and interesting under her guidance. Pooja Maam's enthusiasm for her subject, Business Studies, is contagious, igniting a love for learning within her students.

She encourages us to ask questions, think critically, and explore beyond the confines of our textbooks. Her enthusiasm inspires us to embrace curiosity and pursue knowledge with passion. She also serves as a role model of perseverance and resilience. She remains calm and composed in the face of setbacks and challenges, guiding us through difficult times and teaching us the importance of resilience. Witnessing her unwavering determination to overcome obstacles motivates us to develop a similar mindset. She taught me that with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, I can overcome any hurdle and achieve my goals.

Therefore, I dedicate this essay on my leadership journey to Pooja Maam. It is she who has played a transformative role in shaping my growth as a leader and as an individual. She has left an indelible mark on my life. Her unwavering support has empowered me to believe in my potential and strive for excellence. I am forever grateful for her guidance and inspiration, and I carry the lessons she has taught me into my future endeavors. She will always remain my idol and a beacon of inspiration in my leadership journey.